All New England Books


Written by Amanda MacArthur | @amaaanda on

If you’re not a Rhode Islander, you might not understand our love for RI weiners, which aren’t just hot dogs with a sexy name and represented by hilarious neon signs that say “hot weiners”.
No, they’re so much more. Wikipedia says it best, although they’re the only ones spelling it with an i before the e around here:
The traditional wiener is made with a small, thin frankfurter made of veal and pork, giving it a different taste from a traditional beef hot dog, served in a steamed bun, and topped with celery salt, yellow mustard, chopped onions, and a seasoned meat sauce (the spices vary by vendor but commonly include cumin, paprika, chili powder, and allspice). A preparation including all of the above is often ordered by patrons as “all the way.”

When I was new to Rhode Island, I even did a little weiner foodtrip and wrote about it for Examiner. They’re also called “gaggers”, which is, you know… er… strange… Rhode Island. Derp.
I haven’t learned the ordering lingo yet, but I think it’s something like “one dog, all the way”. I learned this from an old fella today and I figure he must know what he’s doing by now!

For the complete article go to Buzzfarmers at the link below

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